Bags & Handbags.

Ensure you’re carrying your everyday essentials the right way this season. Pick from our on-trend collection of cute bags for women for every event. Add the perfect waisted bum bag to an oversized tee and cycling shorts look, or a simple nude fanny pack with a pastel boyfriend blazer for an Insta-worthy finish. If extra is more your vibe, we have backpacks and shoulder bags that will take you from office chic to festival ready with one quick outfit change. Every doll needs the perfect, versatile beach bag for their summer vacay, and with our Pretty Little Thing bag collection, you wouldn’t be disappointed. If a shopping day with the girls is on the agenda, we have cross-shoulder bags or chain bags perfect for the occasion. Whether you’re into feathers, tassels, or faux fur, we bring you only the best arm candy this season. We also have a range of leather shoulder bags which are at the top of our hitlist, along with shoulder backpacks, purses, or an over-the-shoulder purse. What are you waiting for? Go for the ultimate online bag shopping spree now!